Audio conversations on social media are all the rage today, but Android users have been left out in some quarters — both Clubhouse and Twitter Spaces have been exclusive to iOS users. While this remains the case for the former (it has announced plans for an Android app, though), Spaces is now opening up its test for Android users.

From what it seems, this is an early preview for a select few who are a part of the app's beta program. I didn't get an early access prompt as invited iOS users have; this is also why I can't host my own Space yet. But what I can do is listen to conversations, be a speaker, react using emojis, and view captions.

As you'd expect from an early preview, it's a little rough around the edges. For instance, I saw two different UIs for captions and the feature just didn't work in one of the Spaces I attended.

Twitter has already announced that it's working on bringing the full Spaces experience to Android and an employee has shared an ETA of March. So, it seems like we'll have to wait for a few more days to be a part of the early access program and probably have a smoother experience.

We've reached out to Twitter for more information on Spaces' Android rollout. We'll update the article if we hear back.

Official announcement

Twitter has now officially acknowledged that Android users will be included in the Spaces beta. While there's no clarity on who will get access to it, you may want to sign up to be a beta tester for the app and fill up the Spaces' early access form here to have a better chance.

Price: Free
  • Thanks:
  • Samir Makwana